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this actually made me cry (I love it)


I'm glad you do! Thanks for playing and commenting! ^^


so sad


sorry for the feels, sending love <3


THIS WAS BEAUTIFUL. Oh my heart. As a cat person, this game emotionally devastated me (in a good way). 

Besides the touching prose, your art style is exquisite, the music/sound is poignant, and your twist on the Orpheus/Eurydice myth was a superb choice! 

The execution of your concept within the O2A2 jam's rules was also very clever, down to the detail of the up/down camera movement of each step.

Awesome work!


Thank you so much for playing and commenting! Apologies for the feels, but I'm glad to hear that it resonated with you <3

I somehow went into this with a very very clear idea in mind, and I'm glad I stuck to it xD

Once again, thank you! <3


Amazing as usual, but this time it makes me a teary bitch who cries nonstop and have to pause the recording multiple time well done Summy well done.

The emotions it invoke with such simple presentation is amazing. The metaphorical stair of letting go...


Thank you for covering the game terry, and sorry to hear that it got you right in the feels.

Much love, hugs if you need em <3


Terror ;_; *hug*

What did she do to us, huh? ;_;

moni ;-; *steals your wallet*

idk either Moni ;-;


What the heck Terror? ^^;;;; that's low!


I said "NOOOOO!!!" out loud when I realized what happened in the end, I've never been so upset at seeing a skip button glow instead of being muted :"< this is so well written, it's amazing how much impact you can make with all the limitations of the jam! Absolutely amazing work!! <3


aww sorry for the feels, but thank you so much for playing and commenting! I really, really appreciate it <3 I'm glad you enjoyed(?) it ^^


Thank you for making this. I lost my cat recently and this honestly puts to words exactly how I've felt over the last month dealing with her death. She got weak and was on so many medications and I had to feed her with a syringe, and I remember that I couldn't help but think how much she hated that syringe. 

Your VN made me think about what I would do if I had the chance to bring her back, and in reality, I think I would choose to leave her be. I wouldn't want to have her suffer again.

Again, thanks for making this! It hit me in the feels and put me in an introspective mood


I'm sorry to hear about your cat, I'm sure she knew that you loved her very much. I hope she rests in peace, and I hope you're alright.

Thank you so much for giving the game a try, and also for commenting.

Sending you love (and hugs if you want them)

(My own kitty Hated the syringe too, so I truly feel you on that o<-<)


Despite how short it is, it brought me some big feelings. With only a few clues, we can imagine those past days of the owner and their cat, down to their last moments together. It's beautiful, and it's sad. Having to let go is hard, and those last sentences before I finally let go... they felt heavy, but true. In the end, you have to let go.

An adorable and heartfelt story, I liked it a lot.


Thank you so much for playing and commenting Flor! 

It's always difficult to let go, but sometimes there's no other choice. </3


Gosh, this was a very interesting take on the myth of Orpheus!

First, I have to say I loved the ambience of the game: the music, the sound effect, the stair, the art style in general, even the GUI, everything came together wonderfully! The craft really is mastered!

The writing too was very good! To be honest, I've never had a pet, so I don't really know how deep this connection can be, but the theme of letting go of someone dead, I think, is something we can alas all relate to. And the game was a very neat exploration, I appreciated the evolution of the protagonist's psychology when they choose to move forward and to not look back.

But in the end, there is only one choice, and your take is part of my general favourite takes when it comes to Orpheus and Eurydice's myth: I love when Orpheus chooses to look back. Here, because he realises he has to let go and to move on; that we, somehow, all have a purpose and a limited presence on earth; and that it is selfish to ask others more than what they were meant to give.

Overall, this was an excellent game which made excellent use of the restrictions of O2A2! I really appreciated it, congrats!


Thank you so much for giving it a try Chim! 

You are right, I'm sure the feeling of loss and grief is something that most folks would have encountered at some point, whether it is a pet or another person, or anything else, really. 

I love having Orpheus choosing to look back, which was a massive factor in giving the players agency to look back every step of the way. However, I also love the interpretation that Orpheus looked back because he loved Eurydice </3

Once again, thanks for playing and commenting! ^^ <3


For some reason the game got blurry near the end. Oh wait, that was me sobbing. 

Now I'm going to lie down and try to emotionally recover from this face down while crying into the couch I'm currently sitting on.

In all seriousness beautiful and well done game that tugs at the heartstrings of anyone who has ever dealt with the loss of  a pet since it will no doubt hit close to home. 

Beautiful game and all the stars


aww, thank you so much for giving it a try and commenting, and apologies for the feels! Sending love, and hugs if you need them <3


How dare you put CAT into this??!!

My heart cried. It's beautiful. The art, story, music, everything

Thank you for making this game. 10/10 <3


Thank you so much for giving it a spin, It's my honor, really.

Sending love, and hugs if you need them! <3

(2 edits) (+2)

Oh....this was honestly so gut wrenching for me to play, even now as I'm typing this I still couldn't help but cry...but it was so beautiful.

I knew going in here that playing this game would pick at the fresh wound in my heart, but I regret nothing. 

For context, I lost my beloved dog May 3rd of this year --- technically my 2nd dog but the first one died after just two days as a puppy, so this one was the one we raised from puppyhood and the one we really consider as our first dog. 

And oh we loved him so. All my life I had been afraid of dogs, but he was really the one who eased my heart and made me fall in love with dogs, my eyes feeling nothing but love when I look into a dog's eyes, rather than the fear before. 

But alas, one day he just suddenly became lethargic, and despite all our efforts to bring him the best care, he died, and we never found out what it was that killed him. The day we were supposed to bring him back home as he was confined at the vet clinic, he got seizures and hour before we were supposed to see him again. 

It was too sudden. Painfully sudden. More so since he was just so energetic and happy the day before when we visited him, so it felt like he was snatched from us in a flash, like how Eurydice died so suddenly. He started feeling sick one day and by the next week, he was dead. All of us were heartbroken, and even heart still aches and bleeds at his absence. His silence still hurts me so much (my upcoming O2A2 entry was actually originally going to be about him, to cope with my loss, but plans got changed, but even then, he is still a primary inspiration for it), that even just looking at things in our house still makes me cry even after a few months now. 

And so, I knew that all that pain in my heart would just burst while playing this, and it did. 

Just like the Orpheus here...I really wanted more time with my dog. He was only two years old, and was supposed to turn three this September. We had so many plans with him in our future. We even decided as a family that when we'll move houses in a few years, he must have his own room, and that he would be taken on walks all the time as the environment there is very pleasant for walks. 

But without warning, he suddenly died, and we didn't know the cause. It felt so unfair. He was gone too fast. And even when we were rushing to get to him as soon as possible, he died an hour earlier. I really wished I could have held him as he died. I feared he may have thought we abandoned him alone in the clinic, and so he died painfully with each painful seizure. We couldn't even be there to comfort him in his last moments. 

So many regrets...and so little time.

I wanted to trust that he knew we loved him dearly, that our parting was only momentarily and that we would see him again soon, but it must have been forever for him, waiting alone in an unfamiliar place. 

So, in this game, all of my wishes for my darling --- the longing for him, the need for more time, and the wish that he knew we loved him so so much and that we were just separated momentarily for his benefit, all of it was encapsulated here.

To be honest...I wanted the cat to reach the surface. I want the dear kitty to live. Because playing the game, I thought..."Of course the kitty would want to live! The kitty loves us and would be happy to be by our side as we do them!"

I really wanted that cat to live. I mashed the "and beg" option so many times. So so so many times.

I refused to let go. 

And I guess it just reflected what I felt about my own dog. He was taken too early and without warning. He had so many years ahead of him. He loved us, and we loved him so much, and he is happiest with us. the game progressed...I did realize that the MC was letting their cat go already in their heart, considering their frail health. For that was time indeed to say goodbye...and it was for the best that they say goodbye. 

I could honestly relate to the feeling of wanting more time. I wanted more time with my dog too, especially considering we thought his life was so short lived. with the cat, it was for the best that he rest too. Free from pain. So it was an act of love really to let the kitty go. 

My wish really is that I hope my dog still knew and felt our love for him, even during his dying moments. 

And with that, even though my heart bleeds right now, I'm actually comforted with that last scene of seeing the cat happy and free from pain --- knowing that the cat has been loved so much, and trusts that the MC has done their best for them and loves them tenderly and oh so much. 

The only comfort I take in now is that he is free from the seizures, and free from the pain. This I believe is also a comfort for you. 

For me, this game really encapsulated all I wanted to say to my dog, even now after his death. All of my longing, all of my wishes, and all of my love. 

Thank you too for including the cat's purrs in the game. A purr is a sound made with happiness and contentment, and so, it was just comforting that even though the kitty was never really able to talk, we just know they were happy and content. Happy to be with their owner, and trusting them and loving them, even with the goodbye. 

It was also just so comforting too to just see the MC say they loved their cat so much. It was a comfort seeing those words full of so much love and I really couldn't help but also imagine it was my dog there behind me, looking at me with affection and joy as he always have, and me just telling him I loved him so much, just as I always have. 

So yes, thank you for making this game. It is so beautiful, and made with so much love. With every word, I could feel my tears just fall. I do think that it would touch and comfort more pet owners, especially those who have lost their beloved pets. And all the hugs for you too <3 I am sure your kitty loved you vey much and was happy in the end


I'm very sorry to hear about your dog, he must have been truly beloved by you and your family. 

I would think that the time you've already spent with him would be proof that you cared, and you loved. I hope your dog rests in peace, free from pain and hurt. I'm sure he knew that he was loved dearly.

It's always difficult, losing a loved one so suddenly, but I think you'll agree with me when I say that I never regretted having loved them, despite all the friction or mistakes or regrets and pain that comes with it. 

We've lost several rescues before this, most left suddenly, almost without warning too. Some deteriorated slowly, and we had to make the call. We keep mementos of them around. Photos on our devices, tattoos, illustrations, their toys passed down to the younger ones. My sibling hung the collar of one of our rescues in the car's dashboard. She (the cat) used to love travelling and car rides. She's not here anymore, but with her collar, we can still take her on trips with us.

They can be a painful reminder of course, but for us it is also a proof and reminder that yes, they existed. We loved them, and they loved us. We want them to be a part of our life, still.

 I hope you'll be able to express your longing, love and regrets and find some closure yourself. Whether it is through your creations, or finding a way to keep him with you and your family. I hope you find the time to grieve, and I hope you'll find some peace too. 

I'm sure you loved him very, very much, and I'm sure he does too.

Thank you so much for taking the time to play and comment, I really, really do appreciate it. Once again, I am sorry about your loss, but I'm glad that this opened up a conversation.

Much love, and hugs if you need them <3

(1 edit) (+2)

usually the orpheus and eurydice story doesn't make me cry but putting eurydice as a CAT was low............... this made me cry my eyes out ngl......... 

i have two cats and thinking one day they'll be gone really saddens me. i hope it takes a good long while.

also the art and the music were really good too (I LOVED THE LITTLE BELL SOUNDS) and i love how sometimes MC takes steps back and questions if the cat really wants to go back with them. like damn. i wanted to cry the whole game ahhhhh TT_TT this was so good... it's now in my favorites collection...


dskfkdlsjklskls to be fair, Eurydice was supposed to be a human in my early plans but i changed my mind after everything thats happened oops! ^^;

Still, I hope we'll both get to spend a good long time with our kitties (Please tell your cats I said hi, and that I care them!) <3

(2 edits) (+1)

i will <3 pet your little one for me!!


I will do so!! <3


This is such a lovely, heart-touching short narrative game. I was at the top of the stairs when the narrative hit me and I gave up and chose to look back. This reminds me of all the past and future good byes I have to say to every cat in my life. Art, song, story, and narrative design are all on point for such a short game. 

I came here to play a game about cat, not to get my eyes all teary so thanks for the feels I guess?? 😢


Thank you so much for giving it a spin! (and sorry for the feels >_<)

It's always hard to say goodbye, whether in the past, present, or future, but I'm sure you gave them the best life they could have  <3 

Much love, and hugs if you need them!

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